Organisation and committees

The committees of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering include the committee for financial teaching support and the study commissions of the degree programs CBI, CEN, CEP, ET and LSE as well as the management board of the department.

  • The management board discusses and decides questions related to the strategic running of the department.
  • The study commissions consist not only of professors, teaching and academic staff, but also of student representatives. The study commissions discuss topics relevant to the running of the degree programs for example exam regulations and teaching programs. They address relevant current issues, providing innovations, suggestions, and improvements to the department and decide about matters of the study programs.
  • The committee for financial teaching support discusses the appropriation of study grants at the department level.

Information on the members of the respective committees can be found below.

Management board

Department Chair

Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Medical Biotechnology

Vice Department Chair

Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Professorship in Catalysis


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Bück

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Particle Technology (Prof. Dr. Peukert)

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Castiglione

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Bioprocess Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Paul Fröba

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Advanced Optical Technologies - Thermophysical Properties

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Karl

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Energy Process Engineering

Prof. Dr. Karl J. J. Mayrhofer

Direktor des Helmholtz-Instituts Erlangen-Nürnberg (HI ERN)

weitere mit der Universität verbundene Einrichtungen
Helmholtz-Institut Erlangen-Nürnberg für Erneuerbare Energien (HI ERN)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Peukert


Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Particle Technology (Prof. Dr. Peukert)

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Pöschel

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Multiscale Simulation of Particulate Systems

Prof. Dr. Matthias Thommes

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Separation Science & Technology

Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Chemical Engineering I (Reaction Engineering)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wensing

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Engineering Thermodynamics

Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Wierschem

Professur für Hochdruckthermofluiddynamik und Rheologie

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Will

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Engineering Thermodynamics

Research staff

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Ditter


Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Geschäftsstelle Department Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen (CBI)

PD Dr. Patric Müller

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Multiscale Simulation of Particulate Systems

Women’s representative

Katharina Braun, M. Sc.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Professur für Fluidsystemtechnik (FST)

Committee for financial teaching support


Representative in case of absence of chair


Representative in case of absence CBI

Student representation

Representative in case of absence of students

Representation of research staff

Representative in case of absence

Women’s representative

Study commissions

Study commission CBI, CEN, LSE


Deputy Chair


• Chair of Admission Board Master CBI, CEN, LSE

Research staff

Women’s representative

Study advisors and study degree programme coordinators


Assistant Students' representatives

Study commission CEP


Deputy Chair


Research staff


Assistant Students' representatives

Study advisors and study degree programme coordinators

Study commission ET



Research staff


Study advisor and study degree programme coordinator



Centralised administrative department staff


Third-party funding