
Bachelor’s Thesis

The Bachelor’s thesis is regulated in the ABMPO (General Study and Examination Regulation for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs at the FAU Faculty of Engineering) and in the FPO (Program-specific Examination Regulations).

ABMPO, especially § 27 Bachelor thesis: ABMPO/TechFak

FPO CBI/CEN/LSE/ET, in particular § 40 Bachelor thesis (for ET: § 42): Examination regulations/TechFak

Short summary (please read the mentioned § of ABMPO and the respective FPO!):

  • Admission requirement is the acquisition of at least 110 ECTS credits and the successful completion of the Fundamentals and Orientation Examination (GOP).
  • The topic of the Bachelor’s thesis is assigned by a university lecturer from the department of Chemical and Biological Engineering working full-time at the Faculty of Engineering (for ET: the TF, § 42 FPOET) (see FPO). Topics can be found here and on the notice boards and websites of the chairs.
  • Topic and date of starting the thesis have to be communicated to the examination office (informal notification by supervisor, chair if applicable). The chairs usually have their own templates. If necessary, this document can be used in consultation with the supervisor).
  • The time from the assignment of the topic to the submission of the Bachelor thesis is approx. 360 hours (3-5 months) and can only be extended by a maximum of one month upon justified application (exception by medical certificate, see ABMPO § 27 (4)).
  • The Bachelor thesis and its results are to be presented in a presentation of max. 30 minutes followed by a discussion.
  • A failed Bachelor thesis can be repeated once (see ABMPO § 27 (5)).